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Unlock the 8th Wonder of the World in Your Business

While most coaches get stuck in the day-to-day, drudging through low-value activities that don’t create leverage — the ones that understand the power of compounding interest are the ones that OWN the marketplace... 

Tuesday: Hub Content

5 mins or less. Mental models, proven frameworks, and actionable strategies to help you grow & scale your coaching business.

Compounding interest has been dubbed the 8th greatest wonder of the world...

And tapping into this principle as a biz owner feeds you back outsized returns on your investment — and helps you snowball your way to faster success.

So while most coaches get stuck in the day-to-day, drudging through low-value activities that don’t create leverage…

The ones that understand the power of compounding interest are the ones that OWN the marketplace.

So what SPECIFIC things can you do to get outsized returns as a biz owner?

There are 5 levers you can pull:

  1. The WOL Investment

  2. Your IC Investment

  3. Your Team Investment

  4. The Audience Investment

  5. The “Over-Deliver” Investment

Let’s get into it so you can start rolling that snowball down the mountain.

Lever #1: The WOL Investment

You’ll hear a ton of chatter about personal growth and how it’ll help you take your life to the next level. But 30 mins a day reading self-help books isn’t going to change your world.

Success is a mindset, it’s a lifestyle, it’s a WAY OF LIFE.

When you shift from “checking the boxes” to embracing that growth and success is a way of life… THAT is what gives you compound returns.

The separators:

  • The quality of your inputs

  • The people you spend time with

  • Your commitment to excellence

  • Ability to focus your attention

  • Taking personal responsibility

  • Lifestyle choices (food, sleep, fitness)

  • Making decisions based on your values & vision

Lever #2: Your IC Investment

Mindset, energy, and belief systems are contagious.

Who you spend your time with (your inner circle) can be one of the biggest predictors of your success and alter the trajectory of your life.

Being exposed to new ideas, people who think BIG, and people who live a life of adventure will help YOU elevate your life to the next level.

Most people will never understand the way you think or how you’re wired.

Spend more time with people who do.

Carefully curate your inner circle.

Spend more time with those people, and less time with everyone else.

It really is that simple.

Lever #3: Your Team Investment

Your team is the backbone that helps bring your vision to life…

And outside of “tech” it’s one of the most powerful ways to create leverage in your biz.

We're talking about getting exponential returns (seriously) overnight if you nail this one.

Now, cultivating a great team requires time (and patience)…

But the juice is worth the squeeze… and then a whole lot more.

How many boxes can you check with your existing team?

Your team's got their eyes on the prize, embracing the company's core values, mission, and vision with conviction.

Everyone knows what they’re responsible for and how they're making an impact on the big picture.

Regular team pow-wows and one-on-ones to keep everyone up-to-date and firing on all cylinders.

There’s real leadership.

You offer ongoing training opportunities to keep their skills sharp and ahead of the curve.

Goal-setting and coaching (just like you'd do with clients) to hold them accountable and keep them laser-focused.

You’ve got a strong culture that fosters growth, encourages feedback, and winning.

You have systems in place to show appreciation to your team so they feel valued — and offer benefits, time off, and other perks when you’re able to.

Lever #4: The Audience Investment (Compound in Crowd)

Think of your audience as a snowball rolling down a hill — the more it rolls, the bigger it gets, and the more momentum it gains.

This is the power of compound interest at work in audience growth.

But it’s not a one-and-done deal. Growing your audience is about sparking a chain reaction that spreads like wildfire as people share your content, refer their friends, and want MORE of what you’ve got to offer.

Here’s how to get that fire burning:

🔥 Craft killer content that grabs attention, keeps it, and HAS to be shared.

🔥 Consistency is key — in your messaging, your voice, and your posting schedule. People crave reliability.

🔥 Be real, be authentic, and engage with your audience. They'll feel seen and they'll stick around.

🔥 Amplify your content! Most people miss this. Boost your best posts to cold traffic, repost your most popular content, and reposition and reuse it! Just because you post it once, doesn’t mean everyone is going to see it.

🔥 Adapt, evolve, and learn from your audience. They'll tell you what they want; just listen.

Lever #5: Invest in “The Over-Deliver”

Over-delivering isn't just a buzzword. It's a game-changing strategy that'll set you apart from the crowd and turn your clients into RAVING fans who refer and keep coming back for more.

It's about exceeding expectations in ways they never saw coming.

And while the main driver isn’t to boost your bottom line, treating your clients like gold will come back 10 fold.

Plus it’s not just a great way to run your business… it’s also a great way to live your life 😉

It doesn’t have to break the bank, and it doesn’t even have to take a lot of time. But it DOES have to mean something.

Back when I had my fitness business… “over-deliver” was one of our core values…

And we had a “Team Over-Deliver Challenge” to see who could go above and beyond for our clients.

Well, one of our boot campers (who was a little financially strapped), was always wearing these raggedy sneakers to her workout. The soles were falling off and they were sooo dirty.

So what did one of my coaches do?

He (out of his own pocket) BOUGHT her a pair of sneakers. 🤯

She couldn’t believe it. She was so appreciative and was brought to tears.

More than this, she felt like we truly CARED about her… because we did.

It can come in the form of a handwritten card, helping someone to your studio from the parking lot, always greeting people with a genuine smile, or sending an unexpected welcome gift.

And if you can systemize it, you can embed it right into the way you run your business.


  1. Forget personal growth, invest in a WAY OF LIFE that leads to success

  2. Expand your time spend with power players who fuel your growth and shrink time spent with everyone else

  3. Assemble and invest in a team that makes the impossible possible

  4. Growing (and connecting with) your audience is one of the fastest ways to create a compound effect in your business

  5. Overdelivering and treating your clients like gold is not only a great way to run your biz (& live your life), but it usually comes back 10 fold


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