How NOT to get stuck on “replay”

You’ve got 60-70,000 thoughts running around in your head on any given day. Where it gets interesting: 90% of those thoughts are the exact same as the day before — like a broken record replaying yesterday's greatest hits.

Mission Monday:

2 mins or less. A tiny thought or idea to help shift perspective and elevate your business and life — that doubles as a powerful message you can share with your clients to help them reach their goals.

You’ve got 60-70,000 thoughts running around in your head on any given day.

Where it gets interesting: 90% of those thoughts are the exact same as the day before — like a broken record replaying yesterday's greatest hits.

What do you think your life is going to look like if…

  • The same thoughts lead to the same choices...

  • And those same choices lead to the same behaviors

  • And those same behaviors create the same experiences?

» Well, this means your life is pretty much on repeat every single day until SOMETHING changes.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live the same day over and over again.

So instead of sitting in the passenger seat of your life while letting your subconscious drive you around (like most people)…

Let’s plant new thoughts for a brand NEW vision and a NEW future.

A new future that YOU create.

One that’s NOT on cruise control.

Because when you begin to pay attention and redirect your thoughts — you kick your subconscious out of the driver's seat and take back control of your future.

And when you do this over and over again, you begin to change your life…

One thought at a time.

(Inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza)


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