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  • ⏳ Collapse Time Using “Parkinson’s Law”

⏳ Collapse Time Using “Parkinson’s Law”

Ever had a 10-minute task take you an hour to complete because you got distracted by your phone, or you just didn’t feel any...

What’s On Deck for This Week’s Newsletter?

🚀 Monday: Mission & Mindset — Collapse time using “Parkinson’s Law”

⚙️ Tuesday: Hub Content — Inside Look: 5 Proven tips to slash your member cancellations

💎 Wednesday: Gem Report — A handpicked collection of the week's top 3-5 STANDOUT pieces of content

💰 Thursday: Conversion Clinic — Boost converstions by learning how to make your guarantee a selling point.

🤖 Friday: Amplify with AI — Unlock higher profits with this custom “Raise the Rates” script to increase your prices the right way.

Monday: Mission & Mindset

2 mins or less. A tiny thought or idea to help shift perspective and elevate your business and life — that doubles as a powerful message you can share with your clients to help them reach their goals.

Ever had a 10-minute task take you an hour to complete because you got distracted by your phone, or you just didn’t feel any urgency?

Or, have you ever completed a massive project in one night because you were right up against the deadline?

That’s Parkinson’s Law at work.

Parkinson’s Law says that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."

👉 That means, if you give yourself a week for a task, it will take a week.

But if you give yourself a day for that same task, you'll probably get it done in a day.

The same goes for most of your goals.

A 5-year goal might very well be a 2-year goal if you decided to shift the deadline...

Because once you give yourself that new time frame — your mind gets to work on how to make it happen.

Crazy, right?

So, here’s your challenge if you choose to accept:

Think of one long-term goal you have right now that you’ve given yourself a year or more to complete…

Maybe it’s a financial goal, a fitness goal, or a personal goal…

Now, cut the time frame you’ve given yourself to achieve that goal by 10% to 50% and picture yourself hitting that deadline.

Did your mind just flood with ideas to make it happen in that time frame?

That’s the point.

You can easily do this with your clients, too…

Most people overestimate the time it will take them to get results…

Or, they give themselves TOO much “buffer room” so they can go easy on themselves…

But the fact is, shorter deadlines give us the urgency we need to avoid distractions and stay focused on the finish line.

Here’s to achieving your goals quicker!



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