The power of your “PS” ⚡

It's crazy to think that over 90% of people might be reading your PS first...

Quick Note From Alicia…

We’re officially in the home stretch of 2023. GO TIME.

⚡️ Today’s Headlines ⚡️

📊 These social platforms are gaining ground FAST. Get the latest stats for daily and monthly active user reports.

🤖 Facebook and Instagram will soon get a slew of AI-powered creator tools.

🧠 Google Bard readies ‘Memory’ to adapt to important details about you.

Momentum Monday:

2 mins or less. Kickstart your week with a powerful mindset shift or conversion strategy to elevate your business & life.

Ever skipped to the “PS” section of an email first to see if the rest of the email was worth your time to read?

Lots of people do.

Most people think of their “PS” as an afterthought…

But according to Siegfried Vogele, author of Handbook Of Direct Mail: The Dialogue Method Of Direct Communication, over 90% of people read your PS first! 🤯

In fact, your “PS” section is a hidden GOLDMINE for driving sales and getting your readers to take action.

Here are 3 Ways to Unlock the Power of Your “PS”:

1. Highlight one of your juiciest benefits. In sales emails, placing an “icing on the cake” type of benefit in your PS can capture 90% of those readers who skip to the bottom, which might prompt them to read the rest of your email.

For example, “P.S. Content Club isn’t a long, drawn-out course that teaches you HOW to create content — it gives you a full, end-to-end marketing system and done-for-you templates you can plug right into your business ASAP.”

2. Share a testimonial. Since most emails people get are aiming to sell something to the reader — adding a quick testimonial to your PS is an easy way to catch their eye with real credibility so your email stands out in a sea of empty sales pitches.

For example,

P.S. I love, love, LOVE this review from David M. who says, “The quality of content and the time saved from not having to figure out what to post and when to post solved my number 1 problem.

The beauty of it is you can still add your own voice, which is what is recommended but you don’t have to try and do graphics or edits. Every month you have something delivered that you can use to position yourself as an authority and help you attract new clients.

I have been a member from the beginning and love all the new stuff being added every month!”

3. Leave 'em with a list. In your value emails where it might not make sense to share testimonials or benefits, you can sign off with a quick list of ways you can help your readers.

It might look like this:

“P.S. Want more help creating high-converting organic content?

🙌 Grab my FREE 5x5x5 Method here to plan your next month of social media posts here
💻 Swipe a full month’s worth of fill-in-the-blank marketing campaigns for just $27 here
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(Pro tip: don’t include more than 3 links in your sales emails — you might end up in your readers’ spam or promo tab instead of their main inbox!)

In other words, these few (often forgotten) sentences can easily boost conversions…

So the next time you write a nurture or sales email, give your “PS” the attention it deserves!

Make it a productive day,

Alicia 🤩

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