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  • The List You Never Knew You Needed... (and mine is inside)

The List You Never Knew You Needed... (and mine is inside)

There’s always a gap between where we are and where we’re headed...

Quick Message From Alicia…

Elev8 just turned TWO months old today 🎉 

Check out the new branding on our website! If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s pretty snazzy — you can catch up on all of the previous editions while you’re there, too.

We’re growing around 250 new subscribers per week, so I want to personally welcome all of our new coaches to the group!

A few things before we dive into today’s newsletter:

  • Spread the Elev8 ❤️ Our goal is to grow Elev8 to 100,000 coaches strong and we need your help! If you’re loving these newsletters, we’d be super grateful if you help us spread the word. Use your link below to share Elev8 with your coach friends. (Plus you can score some sweet prizes.)

  • Survey En Route ✍️ I’ll be shooting you a tiny survey this week. It’ll take less than 30-60 seconds to fill out, but your response will help us shape Elev8 and our future content!

  • New Sponsorship Opportunities 📣 To help keep Elev8 free, we just opened up a limited # of sponsorship spots in our newsletter. If you’re interested, you can learn more over here.

That’s about it for now! Hope you have an AMAZING Monday,

Alicia 🤩

Coming Up This Week on Elev8:

🚀 Monday: Mission & Mindset — The List You Never Knew You Needed: The Reverse Bucket List (below!)

⚙️ Tuesday: Hub Content — The "Yes" Trap: 3 Back-Pocket Ways to Say "No" and Win

💎 Wednesday: Gem Report — A handpicked collection of the week's top 3-5 STANDOUT pieces of content

💰 Thursday: Conversion Clinic — Driving Without a License…

🤖 Friday: Amplify with AI — Navigate Difficult Client Conversations with this Magical Prompt

Monday: Mission & Mindset

2 mins or less. A tiny thought or idea to help shift perspective and elevate your business and life — that doubles as a powerful message you can share with your clients to help them reach their goals.

We're always chasing the next big thing, aren't we?

The next goal, the next milestone, the next tick on our bucket list.

But how often do we stop and celebrate what we've already achieved?

🪣 That's where “The Reverse Bucket List” comes in. (mine is down below)

Imagine a list, but instead of things you want to do, it's filled with things you've already done.

Wins you’ve had in your business and life. Challenges you've overcome. Moments that made you say, "I did it!"

Why is this so powerful?

Because we’ve almost trained ourselves as business owners to keep looking ahead. There’s always a gap between where we are and where we’re headed.

And while that keeps us moving forward…

It can also put you on the fast track to burnout, feelings of inadequacy, and the perpetual sense that we're never doing "enough."

The Reverse Bucket List helps you acknowledge, appreciate, and celebrate the things you've already accomplished.

And trust me, when you start jotting down those wins, you'll be surprised at how long that list gets. It's like a confidence boost on paper (or screen).

Here's the real magic:

1. Perspective: Suddenly, that mountain you're climbing doesn't seem so steep when you see how many you've already scaled.

2. Fuel for the Future: Every item on that list is a reminder: You did it before, you can do it again.

Your Challenge:

Grab a coffee, find a quiet space, and write down 10 things you’re proud of on your “Reverse Bucket List.”

Because while the road ahead is full of new adventures, it’s only in front of us because of everything we’ve ALREADY achieved.

A Little Tip: Place your list somewhere you can see it — like in your desk drawer. Every time you have a win, big or small, add it.

Let it be a daily reminder of your awesomeness.

Here’s to bigger buckets,

Alicia 🤩

P.S. Speaking of buckets… we’re getting ready to start our next water project for a community in Africa that doesn’t have access to clean water! If you want to catch up on our first project, you can do that right over here « 

P.S.S. Here’s a pic of my Reverse Bucket List in my business. Don’t judge my handwriting! (#4 is a personal one, but I included it because it’s a huge factor in my ability to focus.)


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