đź’¸ The Money Paradox

Money. Almost everyone has strong feelings about it, but very few people know how to GET it. Most of us put money on a pedestal…

Coming Up This Week on Elev8:

🚀 Monday: Mission & Mindset — The money paradox (below!)

⚙️ Tuesday: Hub Content — The Anatomy of a High-Converting Call Booking Funnel

đź’Ž Wednesday: Gem Report — A handpicked collection of the week's top 3-5 STANDOUT pieces of content

💰 Thursday: Conversion Clinic — These 5 words could be killing your conversions

🤖 Friday: Amplify with AI — How to tweak your subject lines (the right way) for higher open rates

Monday: Mission & Mindset

2 mins or less. A tiny thought or idea to help shift perspective and elevate your business and life — that doubles as a powerful message you can share with your clients to help them reach their goals.


Almost everyone has strong feelings about it, but very few people know how to GET it.

Most of us put money on a pedestal…

We chase it. We obsess about it. We measure our success and self-worth by it.

We see that other coach with a six-figure launch and wonder what’s “wrong” with our own offers…

Or we see those insane Stripe account screenshots on our newsfeed and immediately feel like we’re behind.

Does any of that feel good?

After more than a decade of coaching and over 8+ figures in revenue, I can tell you one thing is for sure…

The more you focus on money and let it control your every move, thought, and emotion…

The less likely you are to get it.

Frustrating, right?

On the other hand, when you focus on IMPACT…

You almost can’t help but attract abundance.

The reason is because: money is just an exchange of energy.

The more you invest in the value you’re creating for others, the more you get back.

And before you dismiss this as “woo woo”... think of it this way:

When your clients are getting incredible results, that’s usually reciprocated in the form of revenue, referrals, and repeat business.

In fact, if you JUST focused on mastering your craft and making sure your clients are completely taken care of…

It would be nearly impossible for money not to follow.

That kind of impact sells itself.

So the next time you find yourself going down a rabbit hole of “needing” more money, or “needing” to land another client…

Ask yourself questions like,

Who can I serve best, and how can I best serve them?

Where are the untapped opportunities to create more impact?

What can I do today to take even better care of my clients?

How can I add even more value to my audience?

That simple reframe pays dividends.

Make it an amazing day,

Alicia 🤩


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