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  • 🦸‍♂️ The Unsung Hero of Success

🦸‍♂️ The Unsung Hero of Success

Ever wonder how Oprah managed 4,561 live shows?

Quick Message From Alicia…

Well, we’re 3-0 in our beach volleyball league so far… and I hope you’re CRUSHING it in your biz as much as we are on the court 💪 Super fun to get out there and play. If anyone lives in the Raleigh area, we’re always down for a match!

  1. Want to win a FREE 1-1 Coaching Call with Alicia? 🚀🚀 Leave a thoughtful comment today about Elev8 Daily over on this FB post, and you could be the lucky winner of a 1-1 coaching call to help you grow and scale! Plus, your support helps us reach & inspire even more coaches!

  2. The 5-Second Survey ✍️ Taken the survey yet? It would be a giant help if you could spare a few seconds to give us feedback. (And Thank you to everyone who has already completed it!)

Alicia 🤩

Coming Up This Week on Elev8:

🚀 Monday: Mission & Mindset — The Unsung Hero of Success (below!)

⚙️ Tuesday: Hub Content — Inside Look at a Strategy Proven to Boost Revenue by an Average of 30%

💎 Wednesday: Gem Report — A handpicked collection of the week's top 3-5 STANDOUT pieces of content

💰 Thursday: Conversion Clinic — Quick Copywriting Hack That Boost Converstions FAST

🤖 Friday: Amplify with AI — 12 Team Meeting Themes to Supercharge Your Coaching Year

Monday: Mission & Mindset

2 mins or less. A tiny thought or idea to help shift perspective and elevate your business and life — that doubles as a powerful message you can share with your clients to help them reach their goals.

Ever wonder how Oprah managed 4,561 live shows?

Or how MJ made those jump shots look effortless?

Hint: It wasn't just inspiration.

It's Discipline.

Not every day is a highlight reel. Most of the time? It's just rolling up your sleeves and diving into the grind.

Because “waiting to feel motivated” — is not how legends are made.

It's choosing the early workout over the cozy bed, tackling the to-do list instead of binging Netflix, and making the tough calls instead of taking the easy outs.

Boosting Your Discipline Game:

1. Non-Negotiables: Your goals aren't mood-dependent.

2. Power List: Daily actions that inch you closer to your dream. Complete the list, and you've won the day.

3. Consistency is Key: Stick to the plan, especially when that little voice whispers, "Maybe tomorrow."

4. 5-Second Rule: Got an idea? Jump on it before your brain hits the brakes.

5. Find Your Tribe: Surround yourself with goal-getters. They'll keep you on track when the going gets tough.

🔥 Here's the kicker: Discipline leads to inspiration, not the other way around.

So instead of waiting for a fleeting feeling of motivation or inspiration, let's fuel up consistently with discipline.

Your mission is too important to be left for "someday."

Here’s to showing up every single day,

Alicia 🚀

P.S. Just for fun, here’s a pic of our v-ball team last season. And that’s my hub on the right!

New Sponsorship Opportunities 📣 To help keep Elev8 free, we just opened up a limited # of sponsorship spots in our newsletter. If you’re interested, you can learn more over here.


or to participate.